The Affordable Housing Working Group (AHG) was formed in October 2022 on the initiative of the Landford Parish Council. It comprises of a minimum of 3 Councillors and a minimum of 3 volunteers from the community and reports to the full Council. The purpose of the AHG is to investigate the feasibility of providing up to 10 Affordable Houses/units for members of the Parish within the Parish, under strict criteria of need. Whilst there are no guarantees that such accommodation would be developed, part of the process is to identify potential sites.
The AHG is therefore looking for a potential site(s) within the Parish on which it could deliver such affordable housing and to this end it has initiated a ‘Call For Sites’. The AHG would also consider an existing property(ies) that could be converted/developed.
If you are a property/land owner willing to have your property, for example, a property that may be sub-dived or land considered as a potential site(s), that may accommodate 2 or more homes up to 10 homes, for Affordable Housing (only), you are invited to complete and submit the Call For Sites form which can be found on our website.
The study will identify potential sites, the sites’ potential capacity, and any constraints that may exist. It will also identify the actions that may need to be taken to make sites available, suitable, and viable for development. If a site is identified as having potential it will be submitted on the basis of consideration for planning approval only.
The deadline for submission of the ‘Call For Sites’ is by 17:00 on 14th June 2024 after which all submissions will be carefully considered for suitability etc.
Applicants for consideration would be invited to meet the AHG, NFNPA and WCC officers to discuss the site(s) in more detail.
Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act.
The information collected in this response form will be used by the AHG (all of whom have signed NDAs) to inform the
preparation of a Report to Landford Parish Council. By responding you are accepting that your response and the
information within it will be in the public domain and that it may be disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act.
However, any published information will not contain personal details of individuals.